Contact Us

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We’re only closed 5 days a year. Our doors are shut on New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day & Boxing Day – but that’s it!

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Apple Espresso

Mon – Sun: 7:30am – 5pm

Takeaway Window:
Mon – Sun: 6:30am – 5pm

Phone: 03 5978 8715
[email protected]

Reserve a Table

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Mon – Sun: 7am – 6pm
Florist available 9am–5pm
Phone: 03 5978 8715
[email protected]

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Tully’s Stockfeed & Rural Supplies

Mon – Fri: 7am – 6pm
Sat – Sun: 8am – 5pm
Phone: 03 5978 8715
[email protected]

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Tully’s Corner
Produce Store

Mon–Sun: 7am – 6pm
Phone: 03 5978 8715
[email protected]

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Tonics @ Tully’s

Mon – Sun: 7:30am – 5pm
Phone: 03 5978 8715